Tella Chokka Smruthi (The Code of White Collar)

Financial Crisis, Meltdown, Free Market, Reform, Reward, ROI, Financial Markets, Profit, Market Capitalisation etc., etc., are the catch words of the day.

Recently there was a hot discussion on Free Market on MMGL too.

This is a lyric written at the backdrop of market’s collapse over the past one decade, hurt by the fact that only common man got hurt in the end chasing the virtual butterflies created by financial alchemists who can create Gold from ash.

In Sanskrit ‘Smruthi’ closely means code of conduct. This kavita exposes the underlying, unspoken truth or principle on which markets operate. Hope you will enjoy. Though the intent is to think!

About the Author

I am a Civil/ Transportation Systems Engineer by education, and have been in IT Industry since completing post graduation in 1985. As I look at holistically, I always find it hard to distinguish which is my discipline and which is not! I currently live in Sydney, Australia, and have lived in Singapore for long. I have a passion for Telugu, literature, music, history, of all, to enunciate our collective past, and wishfullly look that we understand these lessons, and create a better place for everyone to live ('vasudaika kutumbham'), a world where there are no locks and keys!

2 Comments on "Tella Chokka Smruthi (The Code of White Collar)"

  1. Bhanu Prakash | April 28, 2010 at 1:45 AM |

    But beware, economics and efficiency comes first in free markets :).

  2. Bhanu Prakash | April 28, 2010 at 1:41 AM |

    Good one Saradhi Garu.

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