Recycle Old Tees into Cozy Computer Clothing

Recycle old tees into cozy computer clothing +
Move the world forward one laptop sleeve at a time

A new reason to rescue yesterday’s t-shirts from the back of your closet.

Once upon a time, it was your statement to the world — a show of school pride, a taste for graphic design, a photo of your favorite singer’s mug shot. These days, it probably sits unworn in storage. Here’s your chance to transform your old, favorite t-shirt into wearable duds for your laptop.

It’s not just about making stuff for your computer, but about creating new life today.

Hello Rewind is passionate about fighting sex trafficking. Through our social enterprise, we work with women formerly sex trafficked in New York City so they can learn new skills and support themselves. By purchasing a Hello Rewind laptop sleeve, you help sustain our mission. Find out how we do it.