This is a great website to explore ourselves. Great idea by V. Kiran Kumar.
Please take a minute, register yourself and enter your details. It will be helpful to other Telugus who may be moving to your area or coming to your country for the first time from India.
I am from Madhira, a small town in Khammam District. I have completed my schooling and Plus Two in Madhira. And I did my Graduation in Khammam and PG in Hyderabad. Currently I am working as a Software Conssultant in Chicago. I am happily married to Saritha, who is also an IT Consultant.
Though I got addicted to many hobbies, Reading is my oldest hobby. My friends and parents says I am book worm. Besides reading, music is my another passion but I promise I am not a good singer. My other favorite pass times are Tennis, billiards and some times cooking.