
MMGL 2010-01-15 Discussing Telangana with the Right Tone 1 of 2

During this conversation, I told the caller, Vijay garu that the formation of AP was prior to the Gentleman’s agreement. This is factually incorrect and I had to retract that assertion in an editorial insert. The reality of conducting a live show is that mistakes do happen for a variety of reasons. Regardless, I sincerely regret misstating the chronology of events surrounding one of the fundamental issues of dispute surrounding the demand for a separate Telangana state.

Welcome, Chakravarthy Garu

We both believe that the facts, historical or contemporary, do not support the argument for division among Telugu people. This Telangana separatist movement is fueled more by hate-mongering by vested interest groups than it has any factual basis. When when some facts are valid, they are either accidental, or twisted – but definitely not due to evil-design by the people of one region. FYI, Chakravarthy hails from Nagonda disrtict and I hail from the neighboring Guntur district.

Chakravarthy Garu Responds to Comments (Restored)

Thank you to all of you who took the time to respond to my note. This is a difficult and emotional issue for all Telugu people and the passion is quite understandable. I obviously cannot answer every comment that is posted, but I will try to clarify my position on some of the specific questions that were raised.