This time of year, anywhere with air conditioning sounds like the best place to shop for many of us. While you’re cooling off, keep an eye out for the best deals in July, summarized here for your convenience.
Each month, we take a look at the chart and list of the best times to buy anything we compiled back in January and pull out the items you should be on the lookout for that month. Here’s a full-size blow-up and cut-out of what to look for this month (click for a larger view):
Now, onto the best deals you can find throughout July. Per our usual advice, this isn’t so much “Run out and buy this right now” as it is “Buy this now, rather than later, if you’re in the market.” Normally, we’d include some all-season deals, but in the summer, the best deals are often toward the tail end—big appliances in the post-remodel-season wind-down.
Older computers: John Morris of CNET tells MSN Money that July and August can sometimes yield savings on slightly older computer models, as AMD and Intel’s release schedules see computer makers ramping up to release new gear around this time of year.
Furniture: Numerous sites, including Yahoo’s Financially Fit, cite July as a great month to be in the market for new furniture, as stores clear their floors to make room for the fall (late August/early September) inventory push. Savings could be anywhere between ten and 50 percent during this lull.
Broadway tickets: If you like anything that’s playing in New York City at the moment, it’s great to go during early July. Theaters don’t like the psychology of empty seats, so they’ll offer discounts of up to 50 percent, as Kiplinger tells it.
Grills (after July 4th): AOL’s Shopping blog suggests that after the big memorial day/Fourth of July promos, big box stores turn their eyes and floor space toward back-to-school and other sales pursuits. Look to see if grills are going on sale—you’ve still got plenty of time to enjoy them in the real world.
[Via – Lifehacker]