Before you start removing scratches from your CDs and DVDs, you should grab your materials. To perform the directions in this Instructable, you will need the following materials: – Soft Cloth or Disc Cleaner/Repair – Petroleum Jelly (Vaseline, Store Brand, etc.) – Minor to severely scratched discs

Cleaning Time!
Now it’s time to apply the petroleum jelly. I will demonstrate both ways to do this (the tissue and the disc cleaner).

Remove the Scratches
Once that is done, you will need to get rid of the excess grease. If you did it with a tissue, take a cotton ball and some rubbing alcohol and start scrubbing. If you did it with that disc cleaner on the other hand, just hit the start button, wait for it to finish, and repeat the directions above.

All clean! As you can see, there are no more visible scratches. If this didn’t work for you, try peanut butter. Rumor has it that it works. If there are any improvements that need to be made, please do not hesitate to comment.
[Via – Instructable]