This is How Reviosionists Work History

Remember this woman who equated all “liberals” to anti-American? On his Jan 25th show, Chris Mathews brutally attacked Michelle Bachman’s mindless blabber about the slavery period. “Are you hypnotized?”

And now watch this psychotic rant by Beck on Chris Mathews.

If nothing else, very “Edutaining” stuff. 🙂

About the Author

I am a professor by trade and 100% pure Gongura Gulute by birth. I believe in “survival of the fittest” mantra, but my philosophy is to “live and let live.” Therefore, I am at neither extremes of the political spectrum. I am an independent and I love it that way.

2 Comments on "This is How Reviosionists Work History"

  1. Kanaka Byraju | January 30, 2011 at 9:56 PM |


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