Here is a good news to share. New version of TORI Player is released for iPhone. Follow the screen shots for new features.
New toolbar is added to let you know which channel is playing, shortcut to directly view Teluglobe website with out you switching to browser.
Now, TORI player shows all the available information related to song.
Complete schedule of the TORI programs are displayed for you reference.
Schedule by individual program.
Enjoy reading Teluglobe while listening to TORI.
I know you will definetly be excited to try it out. Let us know what you think. Click here to download the app
iPhone అయ్యల్లారా, అమ్మల్లారా, మీకు ఈ upgrade నచ్చితే చెప్పండి, నచ్చకుంటే మరీ చెప్పండి. మీ ప్రోత్సాహం లేకుంటే మేము ముందుకెలా వెళతాము చెప్పండి?
Upgrade to Tori application on iPhone is simply superb!!!! Thank you