I am a professor by trade and 100% pure Gongura Gulute by birth. I believe in “survival of the fittest” mantra, but my philosophy is to “live and let live.” Therefore, I am at neither extremes of the political spectrum. I am an independent and I love it that way.
very lively (and agitated) discussion! But if the liberal point of view to upset the apple-cart is being dreamed of, I think it will be a pipe-dream. Whoever can steer the country to the center of politics, only that person can achieve something in this country. The tea party is evidently pulling to the extreme right so as to depict however much center anyone is to show they are far left. But one thing they are failing to remember is that if they go that right to the right, they may fall off the cliff.
As per Obama not stating enough about dysfunctional congress, I don’t think he can. It is upto people to know the facts and send the right representatives in the next election or even to recall the present ones if needed be. If they are not able to see the facts because of either rumor mills or organized propaganda, it is their fate and destiny.
very lively (and agitated) discussion! But if the liberal point of view to upset the apple-cart is being dreamed of, I think it will be a pipe-dream. Whoever can steer the country to the center of politics, only that person can achieve something in this country. The tea party is evidently pulling to the extreme right so as to depict however much center anyone is to show they are far left. But one thing they are failing to remember is that if they go that right to the right, they may fall off the cliff.
As per Obama not stating enough about dysfunctional congress, I don’t think he can. It is upto people to know the facts and send the right representatives in the next election or even to recall the present ones if needed be. If they are not able to see the facts because of either rumor mills or organized propaganda, it is their fate and destiny.
That video has become very viral on the “internets”
Oh is it! I can understand.