Swarnayuga Sangeetha Darsakulu: Book Discussion with Chimata Srinivas & Pulagam Chinnarayana on MMGL, Friday June 17 2011

Swarnayuga Sangeetha Darsakulu is a monumental effort in putting together encyclopedic information about music directors that shaped a golden era in Telugu film/pop music. The author of the book Sri Pulagam Chinnarayana and the sponsor, Sri Chimata Srinivas will join me on TORi’s MMGL on Friday, June 17, 2011.

Please tune in.

For information on how to buy the book, please send e-mail to chimata.music@gmail.com or visit http://chimatamusic.com

About the Author

I am a professor by trade and 100% pure Gongura Gulute by birth. I believe in “survival of the fittest” mantra, but my philosophy is to “live and let live.” Therefore, I am at neither extremes of the political spectrum. I am an independent and I love it that way.

1 Comment on "Swarnayuga Sangeetha Darsakulu: Book Discussion with Chimata Srinivas & Pulagam Chinnarayana on MMGL, Friday June 17 2011"

  1. You can also buy this book from avkf.org – moreover, it will be $29.78 shipped to US. http://www.avkf.org/BookLink/display_titled_book.php?book_id=11953

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