In his biographic book titled “Parugu Aapadam oka Kala,” Mr. Akella Raghavendra sheds light on the mystique called Sobhan Babu. I tried to probe Raghavendra…
In his biographic book titled “Parugu Aapadam oka Kala,” Mr. Akella Raghavendra sheds light on the mystique called Sobhan Babu. I tried to probe Raghavendra…
In his biographic book titled “Parugu Aapadam oka Kala,” Mr. Akella Raghavendra sheds light on the mystique called Sobhan Babu. I tried to probe Raghavendra…
Here is the interview most of you have been waiting for a long time. I consider this interview to be the best of all the interviews I have done thus far.
Just one sour note about this interview: I was a terrible host for him. When the interview was done, it was almost 3:30 PM. He had to be at the temple by 4 PM. He was hungry. There was no time to cook anything. Indian restaurants were closed. Only a little upma was left at home. He insisted that we share that. To this day, I feel very sad for sending him from my home with half-empty stomach.
****Update: April/6/2011: There is nothing new in this post/podcast. Just resurfacing an old interview for more exposure**** Hope you got a chance to listen to…
The first was Eenadu news paper and the second was Eenaadu, the movie (acted by Krishna). In this part, Sri Paruchuri talks about the background of his writing for a movie Eenaadu. He also talked about how a short story by Kodavatiganti Kutumbarao was developed into a full length movie by the name Chali Cheemalu.