
Is Hitler a Leftist?

Here is a myth: During our debate last week, in a reference to the following depiction of political ideology (by Jesse) Chakravarthy said, “Hitler is…

Goodbye Mr. Hussain

Maqbool Fida Hussain, popularly known as MF Hussain, has recently migrated to Qatar and has accepted Qatar’s nationality. He is a well noted painter and…

TG Tip: Use Boiling Water for Easy Stove Top Cleaning

2010_03_24-Stov.jpgHow often do you clean your stovetop? Do you wipe up spills and splatters right away? Or do you, ahem, let it build up? And after you’ve got a crust of burnt gunk, how do you clean it up? Here’s a tip for those of us who, again, ahem, procrastinate on cleaning the stove. There’s a secret weapon we’ve found for getting it clean with no harsh chemicals and with a minimum of elbow grease.