Articles by Admin

Person of the Year, huh?

Time wants us to believe that Bernanke saved us from melt-down, but I think time will tell us a completely different story: Bernanke’s cure is worse than the disease that was ignored even caused/spread by Greenspan’s Fed.

India Discovered Water on Moon, with US Help!!

“We” found water on the moon. Look at this hilarious Daily Show Fake report by Asif Mandvi. Aasif Mandvi is proud to report that India discovered water on the moon, while America provided the tech support. “We got your best picture Oscar, we got your moon and now, we are working for us, baby!”

The Very First MMGL, 2007-02-09

This is the maiden Mohana Muralee GaanaLahari show, which was aired on February 9, 2007. While preparing the audio for podcast, I listened to all of it and realized how terrible I sounded.

TeluGlobe Launched for Gulutes

Mohana Muralidhar has had enough with petty caste, religion, race and regional biases of Telugu speaking people. He launched a new website,, with the theme, “a global perspective for Telugu people.”

Hello, Gulutes!

Three objectives for this blog: Serve as a forum for Telugu people with truly global perspective. Have some discussion and good natured fun with arts,…